AgPick ProductsBook a demonstration

Capture. Analyse. Report.

AgPick is a hand-held system designed for outdoor use that captures harvest activities in real-time in different ways, depending on your needs.

AgPick Blue, AgPick Orchard and AgPick ID feed information captured about people, produce, productivity, sites, farms, blocks or crops into your database for analysis. Interact with your data, your way. Analyse farm and labour costs, make informed decisions, take action and create efficiencies.

AgPick Blue

AgPick Blue App

The AgPick Blue app is easily configurable for any fresh produce setting. Workflows can be mixed and matched to suit any process. It can capture and easily switch between harvest or crop work, hourly or piece-rate work to capture data. It can equally apply piece-rate work to packhouse jobs. READ MORE

AgPick Orchard

AgPick Orchard App

AgPick Orchard is a GPS based, hands-off solution designed to provide a map for easy driver pick up. It suits operations where little or no supervision is required and where pickers and drivers may be spread out over different blocks or properties. READ MORE

AgPick ID

AgPick ID

AgPick ID is an easy to use mobile facial recognition app. It can register new crew members, record start and finish times using biometrics from captured crew member images to confirm identity. It easily integrates with the AgPick job management process, allowing you to sign crew into and out of jobs as well as performing spot checks. Specific details such as eligibility to work in Australia, visa status and payment methods can also be stored and verified. We can integrate with labour hire provider’s systems if needed. READ MORE

AgPick Blue

Pickers are assigned unique ID cards with RFID numbers, barcodes or QR codes. Portable, hand-held scanners match picker IDs to their activities and record data such as start, break and finish times, what they pick and how much they pick, all scanned and weighed in the field, packhouse or wherever you need it.

See who your top pickers are, know your daily labour costs, calculate pay rates with our piece-rate calculator (including top-ups) and identify and rectify QA issues on the spot.

AgPick Blue Infographic
AgPick Blue Record Defects Screen

AgPick Orchard

AgPick Orchard has two versions – one for pickers, one for drivers. Using a simple interface via their own Android phones, pickers record work times and what they pick. When their bins are ready for collection, tractor drivers are alerted via SMS.

The driver’s version uses GPS technology to load a map of the bin’s location. Drivers can scan, count and pick up bins without leaving the tractor seat. AgPick Orchard helps you to know what’s going on in the orchard and what the packhouse can expect.

AgPick Orchard Infographic
AgPick Orchard Drivers Bin List

AgPick ID

AgPick ID uses advanced biometric technology to verify worker images and immediately identify them, so they can match to registration details in the AgPick data store, including name, visa status and payment methods. It provides an extra layer of security to protect growers, suppliers and pickers from the implications of ID fraud.

At induction, pickers are registered, three images of their face are loaded into the AgPick system using AgPick ID. From then on, sign in is with a face option. The image is compared with unique meta data attributes of a picker’s face and matched to their personal details which are in the system. If the ID doesn’t match, the worker either shouldn’t be there or hasn’t been registered. The technology is designed for outdoor use, is mobile, highly flexible and easy to use. It’s a simple as taking a photo and pressing start.

AgPick ID

AgPick ID

What you get out of your AgPick data

AgPick helps you manage all outdoor activities. All AgPick products are supported by a central portal and database with secure, premium hosting.

Data is presented simply and intuitively on rolling dashboard. Access anywhere, any time for easy analysis and report downloading.

Use your data to:

  • Track and record attendance and activities.
  • See product grades early to take action on sales.
  • Compare daily yield with labour costs.
  • Capture traceability data for audits.
  • Prepare and export summaries for payroll.
AgPick Harvest Management
AgPick Dashboard
AgPick Dashboard
AgPick Piece Rate Calculator
AgPick Piece Rate Calculator